Fuel Tank Protector Cushion

About this product

The Fuel Tank Protector Cushion (#77286-12110), a crucial component in the Fuel Tank & Tube system of your Toyota vehicle, plays a significant role in safeguarding the fuel tank from potential impacts and vibrations. This vital auto part functions by absorbing shocks and buffering the fuel tank from oscillations to maintain the integrity of the tank and the safety of the fuel inside. However, over time, the Fuel Tank Protector Cushion (#77286-12110) can deteriorate and lose its effectiveness, making it essential to replace it periodically. A worn-out or broken protector cushion can expose the fuel tank to potential damage, which may lead to fuel leaks or even a catastrophic failure in severe cases. By using Toyota's genuine parts, you not only ensure vehicle compatibility but also benefit from the backing of Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Remember, a properly functioning Fuel Tank Protector Cushion (#77286-12110) not only preserves the durability of the fuel tank but also enhances the overall safety and efficiency of your vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 77641-12230;77641-02130
Part Number 77286-12110

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