Height Control Bolt Cushion

About this product

The Height Control Bolt Cushion (#48912-60010), a pivotal Drive-Chassis part, plays a crucial role in the Height Control (Auto-Leveler) system of your Toyota vehicle. It assists in maintaining the vertical position of your car, promoting a smoother and safer ride. Genuine Toyota parts, like the Height Control Bolt Cushion (#48912-60010), are designed to fit seamlessly with your specific model, enhancing vehicular compatibility. The effectiveness of this part lessens over time, necessitating periodic replacement. An old or faulty Height Control Bolt Cushion (#48912-60010) could lead to erratic vehicle height adjustment, disrupting the smooth operation of the Auto-Leveler system and potentially compromising your safety. Backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty, the Height Control Bolt Cushion (#48912-60010) is integral to the overall performance and safety of your vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 48912-60010

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