Rear Bumper Step Cushion

About this product

As a critical component in the Rear Bumper & Bumper Stay system, the Rear Bumper Step Cushion (#52356-60050) serves a dual purpose. It not only protects the bumper from impacts, but also provides a secure footing when accessing the vehicle's roof or bed. The cushion absorbs shock from minor collisions, reducing potential damage to the bumper and other components. Over time, exposure to elements and normal wear and tear can cause the cushion to deteriorate, losing its shock-absorbing capabilities. This can lead to increased damage in the event of a collision. As such, periodic replacement of the Rear Bumper Step Cushion (#52356-60050) is recommended. Genuine Toyota Autoparts like the Rear Bumper Step Cushion (#52356-60050) are designed for vehicle compatibility and backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. The proper functioning of this part significantly contributes to the safety and reliability of the vehicle, playing a pivotal role in the preservation of the bumper system's integrity.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 52356-0C020
Part Number 52356-60050

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