Cushion Rubber Assembly

About this product

The Cushion Rub Assembly (#SU003-01005), a crucial part of the Engine-Fuel Mounting system in Toyota automobiles, serves as a damping component, reducing vibration and noise. This assembly works in harmony with the engine, absorbing shocks and vibrations to ensure smoother vehicle operation. When the Cushion Rub Assembly (#SU003-01005) becomes old or broken, it can compromise the mounting system, resulting in increased noise, harsher vibrations, and potentially damaging the engine. Therefore, periodic replacement with genuine Toyota parts is necessary not only to maintain compatibility with your vehicle but also for the peace of mind that comes with Toyota's genuine parts warranty. In summary, the Cushion Rub Assembly (#SU003-01005) contributes significantly to the safety and efficiency of your vehicle by reducing vibration and noise, enhancing comfort, and protecting your engine.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number SU003-01005

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