Seat Support Cushion

About this product

The Seat Support Cushion (#71739-89111), a critical body part in the Seat & Seat Track system, primarily provides the necessary comfort and support to the driver and passengers. It works in harmony with the seat frame to disperse the occupant's weight evenly, minimizing discomfort during long rides. This component, although durable, is subjected to constant wear and tear and may need to be replaced periodically. An old or worn-out Seat Support Cushion (#71739-89111) can compromise not only comfort but safety as well, as it may not provide adequate support in case of an accident. Opting for genuine Toyota parts ensures compatibility with your vehicle and is backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty, affirming the quality and reliability of the part. By maintaining the integrity of the Seat Support Cushion (#71739-89111), you help to maintain the overall efficiency and safety of your vehicle's seating system.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 71739-89111

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