Stabilizer Cushion

About this product

The Stabilizer Cushion (#48817-10020), a crucial Drive-Chassis part within the Front Spring & Shock Absorber system, plays a vital role in maintaining the stability of the vehicle. This component acts as a shock absorber, reducing the impact of road bumps and ensuring a smoother ride. It essentially absorbs and dissipates the energy produced by road imperfections, minimizing the effect on the vehicle's overall performance. Continual wear and tear, however, can affect the Stabilizer Cushion (#48817-10020)'s effectiveness. If the part becomes old, broken or clogged, the vehicle's stability and smooth operation could be compromised, causing a rough, uncomfortable ride and potentially damaging other suspension components. Therefore, periodic replacement of this part with genuine Toyota parts, backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty, is crucial for optimal vehicle compatibility and performance. In conclusion, the Stabilizer Cushion (#48817-10020) contributes significantly to the overall safety and efficiency of your Toyota vehicle, helping to provide a smooth and stable ride while minimizing potential damage to other suspension components.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 48817-10020

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