Stabilizer Cushion

About this product

The Stabilizer Cushion (#48817-30020), an integral part of the Drive-Chassis Front and Rear Spring & Shock Absorber systems, plays a crucial role in maintaining ride stability and control in a Toyota vehicle. It functions by moderating the oscillations of the suspension springs, thereby improving ride comfort, handling, and safety. As the cushion is continually exposed to stress and wear, its performance can degrade over time, leading to reduced vibration damping and potentially compromising vehicle handling and ride quality. Therefore, it's important that Stabilizer Cushion (#48817-30020)s are replaced periodically. Toyota's genuine Stabilizer Cushion (#48817-30020)s are designed for ideal compatibility with your vehicle and backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. The use of these genuine parts ensures optimal vehicle performance and safety. Thus, the Stabilizer Cushion (#48817-30020) is an essential component that contributes significantly to the efficiency and safety of your Toyota vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 48817-02010
Part Number 48817-30020

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