
About this product

The Cylinder (#47580-69055), a vital Drive-Chassis component in the Rear Drum Brake Wheel Cylinder (#47580-69055) & Backing Plate system, plays a central role in the braking mechanism. As the brake pedal is applied, hydraulic pressure is transmitted via brake fluid to the Cylinder (#47580-69055), engaging the brake shoes against the drum to slow or stop the vehicle. Over time, this component may wear out, become clogged or broken, hampering your vehicle's braking ability, posing a serious safety concern. Hence, periodic replacement of this genuine Toyota part is necessary to maintain optimal performance and compatibility with your vehicle. Remember, genuine Toyota parts are supported by Toyota’s genuine parts warranty. This Cylinder (#47580-69055) contributes significantly to efficient braking and overall vehicle safety. Its performance is closely related to the Brake Drum and Shoes, forming an interconnected braking system.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 47580-60031;47580-69035
Part Number 47580-69055

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