Ignition Switch Lock Cylinder Key Set

About this product

The Ignition Switch Lock Cylinder Key Set (#69057-34040), a critical Body part in the Lock Cylinder Set system of a Toyota vehicle, plays a pivotal role in starting the vehicle. Genuine Toyota parts are crucial for compatibility and are supported by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. The function of this part is quite straightforward: when the key is inserted and turned in the cylinder, an electrical signal is sent to the ignition switch, which in turn starts the vehicle. Periodic replacement of this part is essential. If it becomes worn out, clogged, or broken, it could prevent the vehicle from starting, compromising its efficiency and safety. In summary, the Ignition Switch Lock Cylinder Key Set (#69057-34040), as a genuine Toyota part, helps maintain the reliability and safety of your Toyota vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 69057-34040

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