Rear Stabilizer Control Cylinder with Fluid

About this product

As a Drive-Chassis component, the Rear Stabilizer Control Cylinder with Fluid (#48886-60032) plays a critical role in the Rear Spring & Shock Absorber system. This part serves to maintain the vehicle's stability, absorbing shocks and vibrations while driving. It does this by compressing and decompressing fluid within the cylinder based on movement from the vehicle, which then regulates the car's suspension system. The Stabilizer Control Cylinder should be replaced periodically to avoid performance issues. If the cylinder becomes old, clogged, or damaged, this can lead to impaired handling or even loss of control. Genuine Toyota parts not only provide perfect compatibility with your vehicle but also are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. In conclusion, the Rear Stabilizer Control Cylinder with Fluid (#48886-60032) is crucial for a smooth and safe driving experience, substantially contributing to the overall efficiency and safety of your vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 48886-60030;48886-60031
Part Number 48886-60032

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