Air Bag Cut Off Sw Cylinder Sub-Assembly

About this product

The Air Bag Cut Off Sw Cylinder Sub-Assembly (#69065-0C010), a crucial Body part in the Instrument Panel & Glove Compartment system, is responsible for cutting off the deployment of the airbag in certain situations. It facilitates the decision-making process of the airbag system, deciding when it is safe and necessary to activate the airbag. This is done via a series of sensors and electrical components. Like all auto parts, the Air Bag Cut Off Sw Cylinder Sub-Assembly (#69065-0C010) might need periodic replacement. As the part ages, it may become clogged with debris or suffer from broken components, potentially causing the airbag to deploy incorrectly or not at all. By utilizing Toyota's genuine parts, compatibility with your vehicle is optimized. Genuine parts are also covered by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Ultimately, this part plays a major role in vehicular safety. A properly functioning Air Bag Cut Off Sw Cylinder Sub-Assembly (#69065-0C010) can mean the difference between life and death in a serious accident. As such, regular checks and maintenance are essential for this component.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 69065-0C010

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