Air Bag Cut Off Sw Cylinder Sub-Assembly

About this product

The Air Bag Cut Off Sw Cylinder Sub-Assembly (#69065-12460) is an essential part of the Switch & Relay & Computer system, playing a crucial role in the vehicle's safety operations. This genuine Toyota Autoparts component engages or disengages the airbag system as required. It functions optimally when in top condition, contributing significantly to the vehicle's compatibility and operation. However, over time, this component may wear out or become clogged, affecting its performance. Consequently, periodic replacement is advised to maintain system's efficiency. A non-functional part could potentially impair the airbag system, compromising safety during collisions. By using genuine parts backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty, vehicle owners can maintain optimal operation and safety. In conclusion, the Air Bag Cut Off Sw Cylinder Sub-Assembly (#69065-12460) greatly enhances the safety measures of the vehicle, making it a vital auto part worth investing in.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 69065-12460

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