Side Window Adhesive Dam

About this product

The Side Window Adhesive Dam (#62267-47010), a vital component in Toyota's Back Door Panel & Glass system, has a critical role in maintaining the seal of the vehicle's side windows. This essential part works by creating a barrier that prevents the window adhesive from spreading or leaking, ensuring the window remains securely attached to the door frame. However, this item is not invincible. Over time, the adhesive dam can wear down or become damaged, leading to potential leaks, window displacement, and even safety risks. Therefore, it is crucial to replace this part periodically with genuine Toyota components, which are designed specifically for your vehicle and are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. By maintaining a functioning Side Window Adhesive Dam (#62267-47010), you contribute to the safety, comfort, and overall efficiency of your vehicle's Back Door Panel & Glass system.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 62267-47010

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