Window Glass Adhesive Dam

About this product

The Window Glass Adhesive Dam (#56117-24070), a key part of Toyota's Roof Panel & Back Window Glass system, plays a crucial role in maintaining the firm integrity of the vehicle's window glass. It functions as a barrier, keeping the adhesive in place during the window installation process and preventing it from spreading to undesired areas. Just like any other part, the adhesive dam is susceptible to wear and tear over time. If it becomes old, broken or non-functional, the adhesive could leak onto the window, affecting driver visibility and the overall appearance of the vehicle. Using genuine Toyota parts like the Window Glass Adhesive Dam (#56117-24070) is crucial for vehicle compatibility and are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. This part's proper function contributes greatly to the vehicle's overall safety and aesthetic appeal.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 56117-24070

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