Windshield Glass Adhesive Dam

About this product

The Windshield Glass Adhesive Dam (#56117-04050) is a crucial component in the Cowl Panel & Windshield Glass system of a Toyota vehicle. Its main role is to control the spread of the adhesive that bonds the windshield glass to the vehicle frame. This part is critical as it ensures the adhesive is evenly distributed and prevents it from spreading into areas where it shouldn't. As this part ages, it can degrade or break, leading to uneven adhesive spread during windshield replacement. This can cause the windshield to be improperly secured, compromising the vehicle's structural integrity and safety. It's suggested that this part be replaced periodically. By using genuine Toyota parts, not only is compatibility with your vehicle assured, but they are also backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. The Windshield Glass Adhesive Dam (#56117-04050) significantly contributes to the overall safety and efficacy of the windshield system in your Toyota vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 56117-04050

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