Steering Damper Assembly

About this product

The Steering Damper Assembly (#45700-60052), a crucial Drive-Chassis part in the Front Steering Gear & Link system, plays a key role in enhancing the stability of the vehicle by reducing unwanted steering vibrations. As the vehicle operates, the assembly dampens the mechanical oscillations from the road, providing a smooth ride and precise steering. Genuine parts like this are paramount in maintaining vehicle compatibility and are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. However, the Steering Damper Assembly (#45700-60052) does not last forever. Over time, it may get worn out, clogged, or even break, disrupting the smooth operation of the steering system. This can cause shaky steering, potentially leading to a reduced level of control over the vehicle. Therefore, regular replacement is essential to keep the system functioning optimally, contributing to the overall safety and efficiency of the vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 45700-60052

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