Heater Air Damper

About this product

The Heater Air Damper (#87287-04010), an integral part of the Heating & Air Conditioning - Cooler Unit system in a Toyota vehicle, regulates the flow of air through the heating system. It essentially works like a valve, opening and closing to control the amount of hot air directed into the car's cabin. If the damper becomes old or broken, it can lead to an uncomfortable and possibly unsafe driving environment due to unregulated temperature control in the car. Toyota backing its genuine parts with a warranty ensures compatibility and quality. It's important to replace the damper periodically since a clogged or non-functional damper can disrupt the efficiency of your vehicle's heating system. Lastly, the Heater Air Damper (#87287-04010) is vital for the overall safety and comfort of the vehicle, ensuring a well-regulated and comfortable cabin temperature while driving.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 87287-04010

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