Damper Pocket

About this product

The Damper Pocket (#SU00301972), a critical component in Toyota's Body/Instrument Panel & Glove Compartment system, serves the primary role of absorbing vibrations and reducing noise. When the vehicle is in operation, this part functions by damping the vibrations generated by the moving parts within the instrument panel, creating a smoother, quieter ride for the driver and passengers. Over time, the Damper Pocket (#SU00301972) can wear out and may even break, reducing its effectiveness and causing increased noise and vibrations. This could also potentially disrupt other mechanisms within the system. Therefore, periodic replacement with a genuine Toyota Damper Pocket (#SU00301972) is vital for maintaining the vehicle's optimal performance. Genuine parts ensure vehicle compatibility and are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. By effectively damping vibrations, the Damper Pocket (#SU00301972) enhances the overall efficiency and safety of the vehicle, contributing to a more comfortable and enjoyable driving experience.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number SU003-01972

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