
About this product

The Damper (#SU003-00659), a crucial Drive-Chassis component within the Brake Tube & Clamp system, is designed to absorb and diminish shock impulses. As your vehicle operates, the Damper (#SU003-00659) regulates the kinetic energy from shock impulses by converting it into heat energy. This process involves the use of viscous friction within the Damper (#SU003-00659)'s internal fluid, delivering a smoother, safer drive. However, over time, the Damper (#SU003-00659) can degrade and lose its efficiency, necessitating replacement. A worn-out or non-functional Damper (#SU003-00659) can affect the vehicle's braking system, leading to potential safety risks, such as instability or reduced stopping power. Investing in genuine Toyota Autoparts like the Damper (#SU003-00659) ensures compatibility with your vehicle and is supported by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. By maintaining your Damper (#SU003-00659), you contribute to the overall safety and optimum performance of your vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number SU003-00659

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