Differential Breather Plug Oil Deflector

About this product

The Differential Breather Plug Oil Deflector (#41183-60030) is a crucial Drive-Chassis auto part situated within the Front Axle Housing & Differential system. This component plays a pivotal role in preventing oil from escaping through the breather tube during vehicle operation. Simultaneously, it allows the differential to breathe, balancing air pressure and improving performance. As with other parts, the Breather Plug Oil Deflector can become old, clogged, or broken over time. This obstructs air flow, causing potential oil leaks or pressure build-up, which may harm other components. Regular replacement of this part with a genuine Toyota part can help secure compatibility and performance. Notably, genuine parts also come backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. By maintaining oil and air pressure balance, this part contributes to the overall efficiency and safety of the Front Axle Housing & Differential system.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 41183-60030

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