Front Wheel Bearing Dust Deflector #2

About this product

The Front Wheel Bearing Dust Deflector #2 (#43247-33010), a key component in Toyota's Drive-Chassis Front Drive Shaft and Rear Axle Shaft & Hub systems, serves a pivotal role. Its primary function is to shield the wheel bearings from damaging dust and debris. In operation, it acts as a protective barrier, preventing foreign particles from entering and contaminating the wheel bearings. Just like other parts, the Dust Deflector needs periodic replacement due to wear and tear. An old, non-functional, or broken deflector can no longer protect the bearings effectively, risking their damage, a situation that could lead to reduced vehicle performance or even dangerous failure. By using authentic Toyota parts like the Front Wheel Bearing Dust Deflector #2 (#43247-33010), vehicle compatibility is optimized, and they come supported by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Overall, this part significantly contributes to the safety and efficiency of the vehicle by maintaining the integrity of the wheel bearings.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 43247-32011;43247-06020;43247-01010
Part Number 43247-33010

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