Breather Oil Deflector Sub-Assembly

About this product

The Breather Oil Deflector Sub-Assembly (#36108-35070) is a critical Drive-Chassis component within the Transfer Case & Extension Housing system of your Toyota vehicle. It primarily serves to control the flow of oil, preventing splashes and keeping the oil contained within the designated areas of the transfer case. This role is pivotal for the proper function and longevity of the system, warranting the use of genuine Toyota parts for complete vehicle compatibility. Backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty, the Breather Oil Deflector Sub-Assembly (#36108-35070) ensures a smooth function. Over time, this part can become clogged, worn, or broken, leading to oil leaks, increased friction, and potential mechanical failure. Thus, periodic replacement is recommended to maintain optimal performance. In summary, this vital component contributes to the overall efficiency and safety of your vehicle by managing oil flow, reducing wear and preventing potential damage to other parts within the system.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 36108-35070

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