Direct Clutch Disc Set

About this product

The Direct Clutch Disc Set (#35065-08010) is an integral Drive-Chassis part in Toyota's Brake Band & Multiple Disc Clutch (Atm) system. Its primary role is to engage and disengage the drive shaft from the driven shaft in the transmission. This clutch disc set, especially when genuine, ensures a seamless compatibility with your Toyota vehicle. Genuine parts such as these are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Over time, the Direct Clutch Disc Set (#35065-08010) may wear out, become clogged, or broken. When this happens, the vehicle's transmission may fail to engage properly, leading to inefficient operation or even potential damage to other components. This part is crucial for the overall efficiency and safety of the vehicle, contributing to smoother gear transitions, and thus, enhancing driving experience and ensuring the longevity of the vehicle's transmission system.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 35065-08010

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