Deck Side Box Door Right Hand

About this product

The Deck Side Box Door Right Hand (#64743-52010) is an integral body part in Toyota's Package Tray Panel & Luggage Compartment Mat system. As a key component, it provides a protective covering for the deck side box, safeguarding the contents within from external elements while the vehicle is in motion. It operates by opening and closing as required, allowing for easy access to the storage space within. The use of genuine Toyota parts is important for vehicle compatibility, a factor that is backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Over time, this part may wear out or break, rendering it ineffective. If the Deck Side Box Door Right Hand (#64743-52010) becomes obsolete or non-functional, it could compromise the security of the deck side box contents, encouraging possible damage or loss. With a functional Deck Side Box Door Right Hand (#64743-52010), the Package Tray Panel & Luggage Compartment Mat system works efficiently, offering optimal storage space and enhanced security for the vehicle's interior.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 64743-52010

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