Split Dowel Rear Axle Shaft Set Screw

About this product

The Split Dowel Rear Axle Shaft Set Screw (#42323-55010), a vital Drive-Chassis part in the Front Axle Arm & Steering Knuckle system, plays a crucial role in ensuring the smooth operation of your Toyota vehicle. Its primary function is to secure the axle shaft, thereby preventing it from dislocation or unnecessary movement during operation. This set screw directly interacts with the axle shaft and dowel, making it a key component of the vehicle's steering and suspension system. Over time, due to wear and tear, this part may need replacement. Failure to replace a worn or damaged Split Dowel Rear Axle Shaft Set Screw (#42323-55010) can lead to mechanical issues including loss of vehicle control and increased steering effort. Toyota strongly recommends using genuine parts for their superior compatibility and the added advantage of being backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. In conclusion, a well-maintained Split Dowel Rear Axle Shaft Set Screw (#42323-55010) contributes significantly to the overall efficiency and safety of your vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 42323-55010

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