Door Protector

About this product

The Door Protector (#SU003-01625), a key component in the Front Door Panel & Glass system of your Toyota vehicle, plays a pivotal role in shielding your door against scratches, dents, and other forms of damage. This Body part functions by acting as a buffer to minimize the impact of encounters with foreign objects. Over time, Door Protector (#SU003-01625)s can become worn or damaged, impairing their ability to guard your vehicle against harm. When this occurs, it's critical to replace them with genuine Toyota parts to ensure compatibility with your vehicle's specifications. Genuine Toyota parts come with Toyota's genuine parts warranty, providing peace of mind with every purchase. The Door Protector (#SU003-01625) contributes significantly to the longevity of your vehicle by protecting the door, one of the most frequently used parts. By maintaining the integrity of the door, the Door Protector (#SU003-01625) enhances both the safety and efficiency of your vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number SU003-01625

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