Injector Driver

About this product

The Injector Driver (#89871-60030), an essential electrical component in the Electronic Controlled Diesel (ECD) system, plays a crucial role in managing the precise fuel injection required for optimal combustion. As the vehicle operates, the Injector Driver (#89871-60030) regulates the amount of fuel delivered to the engine, thereby maintaining optimal engine performance. However, like all components, the Injector Driver (#89871-60030) can degrade over time, potentially leading to inefficient fuel delivery and reduced engine performance. It's therefore vital to replace it periodically with genuine Toyota parts, which are known for their compatibility with your vehicle and are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. A properly functioning Injector Driver (#89871-60030) contributes significantly to the overall efficiency of your vehicle by ensuring optimal fuel consumption and, consequently, enhanced engine performance. Furthermore, it aids in maintaining the safety of the system by preventing potential engine failure due to improper fuel delivery.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 89871-60030

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