Brake Drum Sub-Assembly

About this product

The Brake Drum Sub-Assembly (#43501-60010), a crucial component in the Drive-Chassis Front Axle Hub and Rear Axle Shaft & Hub systems, plays a vital role in ensuring safe deceleration and stopping of your vehicle. It functions by using friction - when the brake shoes push outward against the inner surface of the brake drum, the car slows down. Over time, this part can wear out due to continuous friction and heat, which can lead to decreased braking efficiency and increased stopping distances. Replacing this part with a genuine Toyota Brake Drum Sub-Assembly (#43501-60010) ensures vehicle compatibility and is backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Failure to replace worn or broken brake drums can result in compromised braking performance, potentially leading to disastrous consequences. Keeping this part in good working condition aids in the overall safety of your vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 43501-60010

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