Air Duct

About this product

The Air Duct (#87211-12290) is a key component in the Heating & Air Conditioning - Cooler Unit system of a vehicle. This Electrical part in the Toyota Autoparts line-up plays a crucial role in ensuring effective airflow within the vehicle. It channels cool or heated air from the HVAC system to the interior of the car, contributing to a comfortable driving environment. However, like any auto part, the Air Duct (#87211-12290) can become worn, clogged, or damaged over time. A compromised Air Duct (#87211-12290) can result in reduced air flow, inefficient heating or cooling, and increased energy consumption. To avoid these issues, it is recommended to replace this part periodically with a genuine Toyota part. All genuine parts are compatible with your vehicle and come with Toyota's genuine parts warranty. The high-quality Air Duct (#87211-12290) from Toyota Autoparts significantly enhances the efficiency and safety of the vehicle's Heating & Air Conditioning system, maintaining optimal comfort for all passengers.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 87211-12290

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