Air Duct

About this product

The Air Duct (#87211-AC010), a crucial component in the Body Front Seat & Seat Track and the Body Seat & Seat Track systems, is responsible for circulating fresh air across the car's seating area. This part plays an essential role in ensuring the comfort of the vehicle's occupants by maintaining an optimal temperature and air quality. Genuine Toyota parts are instrumental in optimizing vehicle compatibility. However, like all parts, the Air Duct (#87211-AC010) requires periodic replacement. Over time, it may become clogged, broken, or non-functional, reducing air quality and potentially causing discomfort for passengers. Backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty, replacement with an authentic Air Duct (#87211-AC010) restores optimal air circulation. Ultimately, the Air Duct (#87211-AC010) contributes to the overall efficiency of the vehicle system, while ensuring the comfort and safety of those onboard. Your Toyota deserves nothing less than the best.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 87211-AC010

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