Air Inlet Duct #1

About this product

The Air Inlet Duct #1 (#17311-70030), an essential Engine-Fuel part in the Manifold system, is pivotal in executing the function of directing air into the engine. This component, while in operation, handles the air intake for the combustion process, thereby playing a vital role in the engine's performance and fuel efficiency. Over time, this part may become old, clogged, or broken. Neglecting its replacement could lead to insufficient air intake, which could impair the combustion process, negatively affecting the engine's power and fuel economy. Genuine Toyota Autoparts, like the Air Inlet Duct #1 (#17311-70030), significantly contribute to vehicle compatibility. Backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty, these parts are designed to perform at their best, offering optimal durability and reliability. In summary, the Air Inlet Duct #1 (#17311-70030) is integral for efficient performance and fuel consumption, and its regular replacement enhances the overall system's longevity.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 17311-70030

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