Air Duct Rear #2

The Air Duct Rear #2 (#8721647020), a pivotal part in the Electrical/Heating & Air Conditioning - Control & Air Duct Rear #2 (#8721647020) systems of a Toyota vehicle, plays a crucial role in maintaining optimal climate control. This component is responsible for transferring cooled or heated air from the HVAC unit to the vehicle's interior. Genuine Toyota parts, like the Air Duct Rear #2 (#8721647020), are designed for optimum compatibility with your vehicle and are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. As this part ages, it can become clogged or damaged, affecting the efficiency of your vehicle's climate control system. A poorly functioning Air Duct Rear #2 (#8721647020) may result in decreased airflow or inconsistent temperatures inside your vehicle, impacting overall comfort and safety. By keeping your Air Duct Rear #2 (#8721647020) in good working order, you contribute to the efficiency and safety of your vehicle's climate control system, ensuring a comfortable and pleasant driving experience.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 87216-47020

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