Heater Air Duct

About this product

The Heater Air Duct (#87413-WB001), a crucial component within Toyota's Heating & Air Conditioning - Control & Air Duct system, is tasked with channeling warm air from the heater core throughout the vehicle. In operation, it acts as a conduit, allowing the warm air to flow to the car's interior. However, over time, this duct becomes susceptible to wear and tear, debris accumulation, or damage, necessitating periodic replacement. A malfunctioning Heater Air Duct (#87413-WB001) may result in inconsistent heat distribution, affecting the comfort of the vehicle's occupants and potentially causing the heating system to work harder than necessary. When replaced with a genuine Toyota part, compatibility with your vehicle is optimized, coupled with the backing of Toyota's genuine parts warranty. This part not only enhances the effectiveness of the heating system but also ensures a comfortable and safer driving experience.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 87413-WB001

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