Dust Cover

About this product

The Dust Cover (#41336-28050), a critical component in several Toyota Drive-Chassis systems, primarily serves to protect inner mechanisms from dust and debris, thus maintaining optimal operation. During system operation, the Dust Cover (#41336-28050) performs its shielding function without interrupting the workings of components it protects, such as the Rear Axle Shaft & Hub and the Transaxle Assy in various systems. Periodic replacement of the Dust Cover (#41336-28050) is vital as it can become clogged or damaged over time. If left unchecked, a worn-out Dust Cover (#41336-28050) can expose internal parts to damaging elements, potentially leading to system malfunctions. By using genuine Toyota auto parts like the Dust Cover (#41336-28050), vehicle compatibility is optimised, and each part is supported by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Ultimately, the Dust Cover (#41336-28050) aids in enhancing system efficiency and safety, contributing to the overall vehicle performance.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 41336-28050

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