Dust Cover F

About this product

The Dust Cover F (#SU003-00375), a crucial Drive-Chassis component in Toyota's Front Spring & Shock Absorber system, primarily shields the shock absorber from dust and other external contaminants as the vehicle operates. This protective feature minimizes wear and tear on the shock absorber, thereby enhancing both its lifespan and performance. As the Dust Cover F (#SU003-00375) ages, it might become brittle or damaged, reducing its effectiveness in safeguarding the shock absorber. A worn-out Dust Cover F (#SU003-00375) may allow dust and debris to infiltrate and damage the shock absorber, leading to a rough ride or even safety concerns. Thus, periodic replacement is crucial. By using genuine Toyota parts such as the Dust Cover F (#SU003-00375), compatibility with your vehicle is optimised, backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. The Dust Cover F (#SU003-00375)'s role in maintaining the condition of the shock absorber indirectly contributes to the overall efficiency and safety of your Toyota vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number SU003-00375

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