Ctr Pillar Dust Proof

About this product

The Ctr Pillar Dust Proof (#61395-17020), a crucial component in the Side Member system of a Toyota's body, plays a vital role in preventing dust intrusion into the vehicle's interior. It maintains a cleaner environment inside the vehicle, enhancing the ride comfort and reducing wear and tear on the interior components. Over time, this part may deteriorate and become less effective, potentially allowing dust and debris inside the vehicle, causing premature wear and discomfort for passengers. The use of genuine parts like the Ctr Pillar Dust Proof (#61395-17020) is instrumental in maintaining vehicle compatibility, backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Its replacement with an original, genuine part from Toyota’s inventory is therefore highly advised to maintain the overall efficiency and safety of the vehicle. The Ctr Pillar Dust Proof (#61395-17020) is a testament to Toyota's commitment to quality, durability and reliability.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 61395-17020

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