Edj Unit Kit-Rear

About this product

The Edj Unit Kit-Rear (#SU003-10520), a critical Drive-Chassis part in the Rear Axle Shaft & Hub system, plays a pivotal role in ensuring smooth operation and stability of the vehicle. As part of the drivetrain, it works cohesively with other components such as the differential and axle shafts, transmitting power from the engine to the wheels. Genuine Toyota parts maintain vehicle compatibility, backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. However, like every auto part, the Edj Unit Kit-Rear (#SU003-10520) has a lifespan and requires periodic replacement. Failure to replace an old or non-functional unit may result in compromised vehicle performance, potential loss of control, and increased wear on other drivetrain components. A well-maintained Edj Unit Kit-Rear (#SU003-10520) contributes to the overall efficiency of the drivetrain and upholds the vehicle's safety and performance standards.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number SU003-10520

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