Compressor Inlet Elbow Sub-Assembly #2

About this product

The Compressor Inlet Elbow Sub-Assembly #2 (#17204-70010) is an essential component in the manifold system of a Toyota vehicle. This engine-fuel part primarily channels the inlet air to the compressor in a specified direction, ensuring a smooth and efficient operation. It's a part of a complex mechanism involving various other components like the compressor itself, the intake manifold, and the turbocharger, among others. Over time, this part can become worn out or clogged, which can hinder the flow of air to the compressor, leading to reduced engine performance and potential mechanical issues. Therefore, periodic replacement of this part, with genuine parts, is crucial for maintaining the vehicle's optimal operation. Genuine parts not only offer maximum compatibility with your Toyota vehicle, but they are also backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. The Compressor Inlet Elbow Sub-Assembly #2 (#17204-70010), when functioning as it should, contributes to the overall efficiency of the engine and the vehicle's performance. The better the air flow to the compressor, the better the engine's combustion process, resulting in more power and better fuel economy.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 17204-70010

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