End Rubber Left Hand

About this product

The End Rubber Left Hand (#SU003-10489), an essential electrical part in the Rear Combination Lamp system of your Toyota vehicle, plays a vital role in maintaining the optimal operation of the lighting system. This component acts as a buffer, protecting the lamp system from shocks and vibrations that could potentially cause damage. Just like any other part, the End Rubber Left Hand (#SU003-10489) can degrade over time, losing its efficiency, which could lead to possible damage to the lamp system. Replacement with genuine Toyota parts is crucial for compatibility with your vehicle and they are supported by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. In the event the End Rubber Left Hand (#SU003-10489) becomes old or broken, it can compromise the overall performance and safety of the Rear Combination Lamp system. Hence, maintaining this component is critical for the system's efficiency and the safety of the vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number SU003-10489

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