End Sub-Assembly Steering Relay Rod #1

About this product

The End Sub-Assembly Steering Relay Rod #1 (#45044-69086), a Drive-Chassis part in Toyota's Front Steering Gear & Link system, is vital to the smooth and safe functioning of your vehicle. This sub-assembly part acts as a bridge, transmitting the steering motion from the steering gear to the wheels. This allows you to navigate your vehicle effectively, making it an integral part of the driving experience. Genuine parts like this one not only ensure compatibility with your Toyota vehicle but they are also backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty, providing peace of mind. Over time, this part can deteriorate or even break due to constant usage, possibly leading to a loss of control or irregular steering. Replacing this sub-assembly periodically is essential to maintain your vehicle's safety and efficiency. A functional End Sub-Assembly Steering Relay Rod #1 (#45044-69086) ensures optimal steering responsiveness, contributing to the overall performance of your Toyota vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 45044-69086

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