Heat Exchanger Assembly

About this product

The Heat Exchanger Assembly (#16870-38050) is a crucial component in the Engine-Fuel system of your Toyota vehicle, specifically within the Radiator & Water Outlet setup. Its primary role involves the transfer of heat to regulate engine temperature and enhance performance. This part operates by allowing the coolant and engine oil to exchange heat, maintaining the correct operational temperature. Like other parts, the Heat Exchanger Assembly (#16870-38050) necessitates periodic replacement as an aged or clogged assembly can result in overheating, decreased performance, or even engine failure. Genuine Toyota parts offer vehicle compatibility and are covered by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Ultimately, a well-functioning Heat Exchanger Assembly (#16870-38050) contributes significantly to your vehicle's overall efficiency, maintaining optimal engine temperature and ensuring safe operation.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 16870-38050

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