Ctr Body Pillar Extension Outer Right Hand

About this product

The Ctr Body Pillar Extension Outer Right Hand (#61383-74010) is a pivotal component in the Side Member system of Toyota vehicles. This part primarily aids in maintaining the structural integrity of the vehicle, contributing significantly to its operational safety. As part of a larger system, it functions by tying together the upper and lower sections of the side member, ensuring a robust and resilient framework. Over time, the Ctr Body Pillar Extension Outer Right Hand (#61383-74010) may suffer from wear and tear, potentially compromising the structural stability of your vehicle. Thus, regular replacement is essential to maintain optimum performance and safety. Using genuine Toyota parts like this, which are specifically designed for compatibility with your vehicle, can enhance overall performance. Moreover, these genuine parts are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty, offering added peace of mind. In conclusion, the Ctr Body Pillar Extension Outer Right Hand (#61383-74010) is integral to the overall efficiency and safety of your Toyota vehicle, underlining the importance of proper maintenance and use of genuine parts.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 61383-74010

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