Ctr Body Pillar Extension Inner Right Hand

About this product

The Ctr Body Pillar Extension Inner Right Hand (#61385-04010) is a fundamental component within the Roof Panel & Back Panel system of Toyota vehicles. Its key role is to provide structural support to the car's body, ensuring stability and rigidity especially in the event of a collision. This part operates in conjunction with other parts, like the roof rail and back panel, to maintain the vehicle's structural integrity. Its importance becomes highly evident if the part becomes old, breaks, or is non-functional: without it, the vehicle becomes less stable and more prone to damage. As with all Toyota Autoparts, the Ctr Body Pillar Extension Inner Right Hand (#61385-04010) is a genuine part, tailored specifically for compatibility with Toyota vehicles and backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. If not periodically replaced, the risk of structural failure and subsequent damage or injury may increase. Therefore, the Ctr Body Pillar Extension Inner Right Hand (#61385-04010) is not only essential for the structural stability of the vehicle, but also for overall safety.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 61385-04010

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