Ctr Body Pillar Extension Inner Left Hand

About this product

The Ctr Body Pillar Extension Inner Left Hand (#61386-08020), a crucial auto part in the Side Member system, plays a pivotal role in maintaining the structural integrity of a vehicle. This component is responsible for reinforcing the body of the car, adding to the overall safety and stability of the vehicle. Genuine parts, like this one, are integral as they offer maximum compatibility with your Toyota vehicle and come backed by Toyota's authentic parts warranty. If this part becomes old, clogged, or non-functional, the stability of your vehicle could be compromised, leading to potential safety hazards. Regular replacement of this part is crucial for maintaining the vehicle's structural integrity and safety. In conclusion, the Ctr Body Pillar Extension Inner Left Hand (#61386-08020) significantly contributes to the safety and efficiency of your Toyota vehicle by adding stability and durability.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 61386-08020

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