Front Bumper Extension Left Hand

About this product

The Front Bumper Extension Left Hand (#52113-0R901) is a crucial auto part in the Spoiler & Side Mudguard system of your Toyota vehicle. This body part primarily functions as an extension to the regular bumper, thus providing additional protection for the car. It has a fundamental role in minimizing the impact and reducing damage during collisions. It also prevents mud and other particles from dirtying or damaging the car's exterior. Over time, the Front Bumper Extension Left Hand (#52113-0R901) is susceptible to wear and tear and may require replacement. If left unattended, a worn-out Front Bumper Extension Left Hand (#52113-0R901) could compromise the protection it offers and potentially lead to more damage during a collision. By using genuine Toyota parts, you maintain the compatibility of the Front Bumper Extension Left Hand (#52113-0R901) with your vehicle. These genuine parts are also covered by Toyota's genuine parts warranty, offering peace of mind with every replacement. Ultimately, the Front Bumper Extension Left Hand (#52113-0R901) contributes to the overall safety of your Toyota, helping to mitigate potential damage and retain the car's aesthetic appeal.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 52113-42901;52103-42080-A0;52103-42080-B0;52103-42080-B1;52103-42080-C0;52103-42080-D0;52103-42080-G0;52103-42080-J0;52103-42080-K0 More
Part Number 52113-0R901

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