Front Pillar Extension Lower Right Hand

About this product

The Front Pillar Extension Lower Right Hand (#61158-47010), a crucial Body part in the Side Member system of your Toyota vehicle, plays a paramount role in your vehicle's structural integrity and safety. As part of the Side Member system, the Front Pillar Extension Lower Right Hand (#61158-47010) provides added strength and rigidity, aiding in the prevention of body roll during maneuvers and offering additional protection in the event of a collision. Like all auto parts, the Front Pillar Extension Lower Right Hand (#61158-47010) may deteriorate with age and usage. A damaged or non-functional Front Pillar Extension Lower Right Hand (#61158-47010) can compromise the structural stability of your vehicle, thereby increasing risk in case of accidents. Using genuine Toyota parts like the Front Pillar Extension Lower Right Hand (#61158-47010) is important for optimal vehicle compatibility. These parts are not only designed for specific models but are also backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. In conclusion, the Front Pillar Extension Lower Right Hand (#61158-47010) significantly contributes to the overall safety and performance of your Toyota vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 61158-47010

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