Frame Auxiliary Crossmember Extension

About this product

The Frame Auxiliary Crossmember Extension (#51193-04010), a crucial component within the frame system of a vehicle, plays a paramount role in maintaining the structural integrity of the vehicle. This auto part helps distribute weight evenly across the chassis, enhancing the overall stability and handling of the vehicle. Genuine Toyota parts, like the Frame Auxiliary Crossmember Extension (#51193-04010), are recommended for optimal compatibility and performance, and they come backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty for peace of mind. Over time, the Frame Auxiliary Crossmember Extension (#51193-04010) may wear out or become damaged, impacting the vehicle's performance and safety. A faulty extension can lead to reduced structural stability, compromising the vehicle's handling and overall safety. Replacing it periodically can prevent these problems and maintain optimal vehicle operation. In summary, the Frame Auxiliary Crossmember Extension (#51193-04010) significantly contributes to the vehicle's safety and efficiency by ensuring proper weight distribution and structural stability.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 51193-04010

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