Rear Whl Extension Sub-Assembly

About this product

The Rear Whl Extension Sub-Assembly (#61064-60905), a crucial Body part in the Side Member system, plays a vital role in vehicle functionality. This component operates by extending the wheelbase of the car, improving stability and balance during operation. As with other genuine parts, a genuine Rear Whl Extension Sub-Assembly (#61064-60905) is compatible with specific Toyota models and comes with Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Over time, this part can wear out or become damaged, compromising the vehicle's stability and potentially leading to unsafe driving conditions. Regular replacement is therefore essential to maintain optimal performance and safety. In conclusion, the Rear Whl Extension Sub-Assembly (#61064-60905) contributes significantly to the Side Member system's efficiency and safety, enhancing overall vehicle stability and driving experience.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 61064-60904
Part Number 61064-60905

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