Front Body Pillar Extension Sub-Assembly Out Left Hand

About this product

The Front Body Pillar Extension Sub-Assembly Out Left Hand (#61044-47020), a key component in the Side Member system, plays a pivotal role in maintaining the structural integrity of your Toyota. Its job is to support the body of the car and distribute stress during movement, enhancing passenger safety and vehicle performance. Like all genuine Toyota parts, it is designed for optimum compatibility and backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Over time, this auto part can wear out or sustain damage, which may compromise its functionality. This could lead to compromised safety and vehicle stability. Therefore, periodic replacement is recommended to maintain the overall efficiency and safety of your Toyota. By doing so, you'll be preserving the robustness of the Side Member system, and by extension, your vehicle's performance and safety.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 61044-47020

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