
About this product

The Fastener (#9007510817) is a crucial auto part in Toyota's Electrical/Fog Lamp system. It holds the elements of the system securely in place, ensuring proper alignment and function. During operation, the Fastener (#9007510817) maintains a steady hold, resisting vibrations and movements that could disrupt the Fog Lamp's performance. This part plays a significant role in maintaining the correct operation of the vehicle's headlights. If the Fastener (#9007510817) becomes old or broken, the Fog Lamp may lose its stability, leading to misalignment or malfunction. This could result in impaired visibility during foggy conditions, posing a safety risk. This genuine Toyota part is backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty, signifying its compatibility and reliability. Regular replacement of the Fastener (#9007510817), therefore, is essential for the safety and efficiency of the vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 90075-10817

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